Gradual disappearance of 2G and 3G
Behind the small yellow bell button, which allows you to call a technician in the event of an elevator breakdown, hides an entire remote alarm system which depends on the mobile network. But today, according to industry representatives, almost half of the alarms in the country’s 630,000 elevators still work using the 2G or 3G network. Less efficient and more energy-intensive technologies than 4G and 5G, which will be gradually abandoned by large operators.
Thus, 2G will be cut off at the end of 2025 at Orange, at the end of 2026 at SFR and at the end of 2029 at Bouygues. 3G will disappear at the end of 2028 at Orange, and at the end of 2029 at SFR and Bouygues. To continue to operate normally and meet mandatory safety standards, elevators will therefore have to be modernized by then, and integrate new alarm technologies.
A costly modernization
These modernization works could be just a detail… if they didn’t cost so much. According to a co-owner residing in Isère, interviewed by Capital, the bill for future buyers of 4G or 5G devices promises to be steep.
In his residence, which has 18 homes, “the installation of a cube to connect the remote alarm via the GSM 4G network” will require, in addition to the price of the work, an annual subscription of 850 euros, compared to 360 euros today for 2G technology. A significant cost for owners, which adds to the continued increase in co-ownership charges recorded in recent years.
Constantly increasing costs
One of the major factors in the increase in co-ownership charges is the rising energy costs (gas, fuel oil and electricity), which weighs heavily on buildings equipped with collective heating or common equipment. Compliance with new environmental standards and the progressive obligation for energy renovation to improve the performance of buildings have also led to additional expenses for condominiums (thermal insulation, changing windows or modernizing heating systems).
The salaries of building caretakers, maintenance workers and other service providers (gardeners, cleaning companies, security) have also increased over the years, as have the fees of trustees, partly due to the complexity of the regulations with which they must comply.