These 5 hotels seized by the State become public

Things are moving in the tourism sector in Algeria The country, long absent from tour operator catalogues, is gradually returning to the forefront.

With a view to reviving tourism, Algeria is banking on its natural and cultural wealth, the warm welcome of its inhabitants, but also on its hotel infrastructure.

It is in this wake that the Ministry of Tourism and Crafts announced, Thursday August 8, 2024, in a press release, that the public group GHTT (Hotel, Tourism and Thermalism Group) has just recovered 5 hotels seized by the State as part of the fight against corruption.

The public group GHTT now owns 5 hotels in Algiers, Tizi Ouzou and Guelma

” In execution and application of the instructions of the President of the Republic relating to confiscated property… “, a working session was held by the Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts, Mokhtar Didouche, with the CEO of the HTT group.

This working session focused on ” the acquisition by GHTT of assets and property seized in the fight against corruption, in accordance with the decisions of the last session of the State Participation Council “.

Thus, and according to the same press release, GHTT recovers 5 hotels in 3 wilayas of the country: Algiers, Tizi Ouzou and Guelma. These are the following establishments:

– Algiers: two hotels which were integrated into the Algiers Tourist Management company EGH El Djazair,

– Tizi Ouzou: two hotels and a tourist complex (Bungalows) in Azeffoun and Azazga, which were integrated into the Tizi-Ouzou Tourist Management Establishment (ETK Tizi-Ouzou)

– Guelma: the project of a hotel which was integrated into the Tourist Management company of Ghardaïa (EGT Ghardaïa).

The statement said the minister gave instructions to the CEO of GHTT to ” quickly take the necessary measures to restart activity at the level of the tourist units received “.

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