The seven essential nutrients for weight loss detailed by our nutritionist

To lose weight, there is no question of depriving yourself of essential nutrients. On the contrary, they are the ones who will help you lose a few extra pounds. Which ones are useful for losing weight peacefully, without putting your health at risk? Raphaël Gruman, dietician-nutritionist, reveals his list to us.

To lose weight without endangering your health, it is essential to consider a food rebalancing which will allow us to preserve in our diet the nutrients essential to our body and its functioning. Here are the eight nutrients that are essential to consume every day.

The proteins

Whether of animal or plant origin, proteins are essential nutrientsmuscle regeneration and satiety“explains the dietitian.”By increasing your muscle mass, you also increase your metabolism because you will burn more calories. adds the expert.

To be included in your meals, preferably in the form of white meat, fish or eggs, without forgetting legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, etc.


THE fibers are valuable in helping with weight management. “Fibers are useful for regulating transit and provide satiety” confirms our expert. “They are found in fruits and vegetables, not forgetting whole grains.“.

Good Fats

THE lipids are essential to our body, even when we want to lose weight. On the other hand, you must choose the right sources to prioritize. “Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats present in certain foods such as lawyers nuts, almonds and oily fish are beneficial. points out Raphaël Gruman.


Contrary to what one might think, carbohydrates are essential for weightloss. The carbohydrates we are thinking of here are complex carbohydrates, which we find “in whole foods, such as quinoa THE legumes like lentils or even Yam” evokes the dietician. Simple carbohydrates, found in sweets and processed sugary products, should be limited.


THE antioxidants are compounds that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which can contribute to aging and various diseases. “This is also the case for toxic substances, such as tobacco alcohol or significant exposure to the sun” explains Raphaël Gruman.

What foods are rich in antioxidants? “There are red fruits, like strawberries, raspberriesTHE blueberries or cherries” notes the expert. “It is also found in colorful vegetables, such as carrots Or eggplant”.


“THE probiotics are good bacteria that strengthen immunity and transit” explains the expert. How do they play a role in weight loss? “By the regulation of grelin and leptin, the hunger and satiety hormones” specifies our specialist. “Good bacteria also help slow down digestion, which increases satiety.”. They are found in foods such as kefir milk, fermented cabbage and yogurt.

Magnesium and chromium

Finally, the magnesium and chromium are two minerals that contribute to weight loss. “Magnesium plays a role as a natural appetite suppressant and helps naturally reduce stress, which has an effect on food compulsions” indicates Raphaël Gruman.

“As for chromium, it limits the effect of sugary foods on blood sugar. This leads to fewer glycemic variations and a reduced desire to eat sweet foods.” What foods contain these minerals? For magnesium, these are leafy vegetables, nuts, avocados and legumes. For the chromium it is found in green beans, liver, broccoli and even whole grains.

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