the Minister of Housing does not want to “question the entire calendar”

The Prime Minister indicated on Tuesday that the Energy Performance Diagnosis (DPE) would be “simplified” and that its timetable, which provides for a ban on the rental of all G-rated housing in 2025, would be “adapted”.

The Minister of Housing, Valérie Létard, assured this Wednesday that the government was not going to “question the entire timetable” of the ban on the rental of energy sieves, the day after the general policy statement by Michel Barnier.

The Prime Minister indicated Tuesday before the National Assembly that the Energy Performance Diagnosis (DPE) would be “simplified” and its “adapted” calendar without giving further details.

The DPE classifies housing from A to G according to their energy consumption and their impact on the climate and it is on this basis that the “Climate and Resilience” law of 2021 plans to gradually ban the rental of housing energy-consuming.

According to the current schedule, housing classified G will no longer be able to be rented from January 1, 2025, then housing F from 2028 and finally housing E from 2034.

“We hear the difficulties on certain aspects,” said Valérie Létard to journalists during the Batimat building trade fair, which runs until Thursday in Paris.

“There’s no question of throwing everything in the trash.”

She cites in particular “co-ownerships” where it can be difficult for all owners to commit funds to embark on renovations, due to their own financial situations.

“Everything is not black and white, what Mr. Barnier says is: ‘Make sure to be pragmatic,'” added the minister, affiliated with the UDI party.

It is not a question of “questioning the entire schedule or the Energy Performance Diagnosis” and “there is no question of throwing everything in the trash”, but “we cannot be in the negation of real life!” , she said.

On the question of Ma Prime Rénov’, aid for energy renovation, which has undergone several adjustments in recent years, the minister recalled that small jobs, such as changing a boiler, and called “mono-gestures, are essential “.

She also believes that “improved funding” is possible and wants to “work in symbiosis with the communities that are involved”.

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