On October 19, it reopened to the public Wine Lodge inside the Villa Borghese in Rome, thanks to the LAVINIA artistic project. A first restoration intervention was carried out to preserve and enhance this elegant and precious work of architecture, built between 1609 and 1618 at the request of the cardinal. Scipione Borghese. This structure was mainly used during the summer season for meetings and friendly parties and is now accessible to all free of charge following the contemporary art project organized by Salvatore Lacagnina and created by Ghella.
Promoted by Roma Capitale, by the Department of Culture, by the Capitoline Superintendence of Cultural Heritage and with the collaboration of Zetema Progetto Cultura, the restoration of the Loggia dei Vini has only just begun. Long closed to the public, this architectural ensemble also includes the underlying cave intended for the conservation of wines and connected to the Nobile Casino of the Villa Borghese by an underground passage.
The restoration of the Loggia dei Vini in Rome
During the 20th century, some maintenance interventions were carried out, but it is only today that the Loggia is coming back to life after the first of three restoration lots which mainly concerned the interior vault, the stucco frames and the central fresco representing The Banquet of the Godsdirected by Archita Ricci. The pillars have been damaged over time by some water infiltration, as have the stairs to access the Loggia.
“After the Jardin de l’Hermé, we are inaugurating another prestigious space in the Villa Borghese which is once again open to the public after a restoration carried out thanks to a Gift of Ghella and with the scientific direction of the Capitoline Superintendence», declared the Culture Advisor of Rome Capital, Miguel Gotor. And he added: “QThis is an important piece of the reconversion of our historical and artistic heritage, with which contemporary art is associated. restoration of a public space. With this reopening, we are continuing two of the main cultural missions that Roma Capitale has pursued with this administration: the enhancement of places and cultural promotion.”.
The prestigious Villa Borghese space reopens to the public
“We believe in the value of culture and we have always been committed to exporting it to the world. It is a great honor to be able to donate a restoration inside the Villa Borghese, one of the most beautiful parks in the world. I believe that our role in society must not be limited to building infrastructure, but must promote a new development model, more sustainable and oriented towards collective well-being. LAVINIA represents the desire to give freedom of expression to artists in dialogue with the monument of the Loggia dei Vini” he said Enrico Ghella president and CEO.
This first restoration was made by ROME Consortium and will follow two other interventions which will focus on the plaster of the internal pillars and the external part of the Loggia, up to the restoration of the hemicycle and the terracotta floor. The Loggia dei Vini, however, will not only once again enchant Romans and tourists with its aesthetics and artistic and historical value, but will also host works, readings, performances, workshops and various educational activities to involve a heterogeneous audience .
What is the LAVINIA project
LAVINIA is a contemporary art program which was designed to bring the space of the Loggia into dialogue with the different phases of the restoration, trying to insert art into the daily life of those who frequent it Villa Borghese for a simple walk, to play sports or to admire the beauties of the architecture that this Roman square has always contained. It thus opens the way to the power of storytelling in a cultural and artistic framework of great depth, transforming the Loggia dei Vini which was a place of reception into a space of convivial creativity both modern and ancient.
The name of the project was born in homage to Lavinia Fontanaone of the first recognized artists in the history of art, present in the Borghese collection since the early 1600s. Until January 26, 2025 LAVINIA plans to exhibit numerous works site specific of the following artists: Monika Sosnowska, Enzo Cuchi, Gianni Politi, Piero Golia, Virginia Overton e Ross Birrell and David Harding.