With you I fear nothing, by Alexandre Duyck: united for eternity

With you I fear nothing, by Alexandre Duyck: united for eternity

CRITICAL – In 1942, a young couple disappeared in the mountains. Their bodies were found in 2017. The author reconstructs their story in a novel of absolute delicacy. The epilogue is known. For those who remember, the discovery of two bodies mummified by ice in the Vaud Alps made the headlines in the summer of … Read more

The magical realism of Belgian Xavier Hanotte

The magical realism of Belgian Xavier Hanotte

PORTRAIT- In his village, between Flanders and Wallonia, the translator writes about the wars that devastated Europe. After a tribute to the dead of the Great War, he salutes the memory of an American poet killed shortly after the Normandy landings. It is impossible for a visitor from Paris to get off the train at … Read more

Life is a long, quiet river

Life is a long, quiet river

Eight stories, eight imperfect existences. In his collection of short stories, the author recounts human turpitudes with humor. Auguste Palanquin is really unlucky. We could even say that he was born under the sign of misfortune. It all started with his grandfather, who, one stormy day, served in spite of himself as a lightning rod … Read more