Rock concert at the Clos du Roi estate in Coulanges-la-Vineuse

This Saturday, May 11, the Clos du Roi estate welcomes two rock groups from Greece and Paris.

The Olympic flame is not the only one to have made the journey between Greece and France this week. The group The vapors actually traveled nearly 2,500km to perform in Coulanges-la-Vineuse, tomorrow evening.

Le Clos du Rock

There are five of them, with real faces and a real rock sound. And this is not the first time The vapors come to Coulanges-la-Vineuse. Last year, they left their mark on the minds of the Icaunese public. Magali Bernard, mistress of the estate, managed to bring them back. The opportunity for you to discover them if you are a rock fan and you missed them last year. By listening to this replay, Magali Bernard tells you more about the musical identity of this Greek group.

And before The Steams, it was a Parisian group that performed at Clos du Roi after 8 p.m. Tal Rasha is a group with different rock influences, such as blues, folk, hard and progressive. Four experienced musicians who set up their training in 2023, and whose sound flavors oscillate from sensuality to hostility, half fig, half grape. For this evening at Clos du Roi chances are Tal Rasha’s scales will tip a little more toward the grape.

At the crossroads of the senses

Like a good film where we cry and we laugh, it is therefore an evening which invites you to the crossroads of the senses this Saturday, for your hearing and your taste, between the Coulange wine, long and delicious, and whose the softness that contrasts with the power of rock. On the microphone of the France Bleu Auxerre player, Magali Bernard describes the personality of this wine which has gained in quality and notoriety over time.

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