Eight stories, eight imperfect existences. In his collection of short stories, the author recounts human turpitudes with humor.
Auguste Palanquin is really unlucky. We could even say that he was born under the sign of misfortune. It all started with his grandfather, who, one stormy day, served in spite of himself as a lightning rod in the middle of the ocean; and then, this bad luck continued with his father, who died falling from an elevator car. This cannot be invented. Auguste (who is wrongly given his first name) has a series of misfortunes: a tombstone that falls on him and cuts off two of his toes, a failed romantic date… One day, however, fate seems to smile on him when he meets a pretty real estate agent. Auguste finally seems to be lucky in his misfortune…
But that’s another story. And she continues with Eva Coppa, the famous real estate agent. Véronique Ovaldé jubilee. His novel To our imperfect lives is not one, but eight at once. These are interlocking stories where we find here and there characters from the short stories that compose them. The men and women of this…