intermittent fasting, more effective than medication

“Fast to heal”. This notion is very often put forward by followers of this type of diet. Very controversial, intermittent fasting has undergone numerous scientific studies to really know its effectiveness. One of them would indicate that the young 5:2 would be more effective than treatments within the framework of a Type 2 diabetes.

This type of diet consists of two non-consecutive days of fasting and five days of usual consumption per week. It is a subclass of the intermittent diet which allows you to restrict 75% of its caloric intake two days a week while eating normally the other five days.

Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences studied the benefits of this young person on type 2 diabetes. According to the researchers, this diet would help better control blood sugar overweight diabetic adults. Their conclusions support first-line nutritional intervention in overweight people.

To achieve these results, the scientists randomly assigned 405 participants to three distinct groups: those who received an oral antidiabetic drug called metformin, those who received empagliflozin, another drug treatment for type 2 diabetes, and the third group which realizes the 5:2 of 16 weeks with an additional eight-week follow-up.

The authors had as evaluation criteria the reduction in glycated hemoglobin levelsa blood marker in the case of diabetes, changes in body weight and measurements of other chemical markers linked to this pathology.

The results are unanimous. Participants who followed intermittent fasting 5:2 benefit from the best level of glycated hemoglobin as well as weightloss higher, reaching 10 kg in 16 weeks, unlike 5.5 for the metformin group and 5.8 for the empagliflozin group.

5% of the French population was diabetic in 2016

“The 5:2 approach has the potential to serve as an effective initial lifestyle intervention in place of antidiabetic medications for early-stage type 2 diabetes,” the study authors say.

Type 2 diabetes is a real public health threat. According to INSERM 5% of the French population was diabetic in 2016. Type 2 diabetes accounted for 90% of cases. This figure is largely underestimated. Given the silent nature of this pathology, the health agency estimates that around 20 to 30% are not diagnosed. This share decreases with age, falling to 13% among those aged 55 – 75. More common from the age of 40, this criterion is now changing.

Complications of diabetes

Concern is growing about the expansion of the pathology among young people like adolescents or even children. It is precisely this period during which eating habits and those relating to the practice of physical activity are acquired. Two essential levers in the prevention of this pathology.

This disease causes very serious complications that can occur 10 to 20 years after the onset of a glycemic imbalance. Leg ulcers, stroke, myocardial infarction blindness, kidney failure, all organs can be affected. Prevention is the essential point in the fight against this public health danger. A healthy diet and regular physical exercise are two essential areas to fight against this scourge.

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