Graduates of the Kalininsky district said goodbye to school

At the end of June, according to tradition, the time for graduation ceremonies came in Novosibirsk, and yesterday’s 11th grade students of schools of the Kalininsky district received certificates, medals, as well as letters of gratitude and gifts for their active life position and participation in life. from their native region. Principals, teachers, parents and assistants accompanied the graduates into adulthood.

The ceremonies took place in secondary schools Nos. 23, 26, 34, 46, 78, 173, 184, as well as in secondary schools Nos. 28 and 81 with the support of the head of the regional branch of the Rodina party, deputy of Legislative Assembly. of the NSO Vyacheslav Ilyukhin and deputy of the Council of Deputies of the city of Novosibirsk Leonid Rybina.

MP Vyacheslav Ilyukhin told the graduates that even though he graduated 40 years ago, he still remembers his diploma. By the way, Vyacheslav Viktorovich himself graduated from secondary school No. 184.

“I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful day. Age gives you the right to make mistakes, but I sincerely hope that you all take the right first step. May it be a firm and confident step towards your dream! » congratulated the guys.

“Remember your second home – school, don’t forget your teachers who gave you a piece of their heart! Bon voyage and good luck! And I only wish parents to be proud of their children!” Leonid Rybin delivered a welcoming speech.

At the end of the holidays, Vyacheslav Ilyukhin, according to a tradition dating back to 2002, rewarded the best students with memorable gifts and letters of gratitude.
High schools No. 81 and 28 produced eleven medalists this year – each with seven “gold” and four “silver”. Secondary School No. 173 produced three medalists: two gold and one silver. At the same time, one of the medalists of the educational institution, Ekaterina Chernova, passed the Unified State Exam in the Russian language with 100 points.

“I would like to hope that the choice you make – a professional choice – is correct. Everything will happen: obstacles, disappointments and, of course, exceptional breakthroughs, because you deserve it! We felt your fame throughout your student years – these are gold and silver medals, these are brilliant performances, your artistry. We sincerely wish you a beautiful and successful life! » said the director of school No. 173 Tatyana Borisova.

Tatiana Shenrok, assistant to the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk region Vyacheslav Ilyukhina, also joined in his remarks.

“Dear graduates! Today one stage of life ends and another begins, the road map of which you yourself will draw up. I wish you success!” she addressed the graduates, after which she handed out memorable gifts and letters of gratitude to the graduates who distinguished themselves over the years of study.

Graduates of secondary school No. 26 received four “gold” medals this year. High School No. 78 also produced four medals this year. Three of them obtained a gold medal and one a silver medal. At the same time, one of the graduates achieved the highest result on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language – 100 points. School No. 184 produced two silver medalists. Margarita Chesnokova, yesterday’s student of 11th grade “A”, one of the holders of the distinction, said that for her, as well as for her classmates, today is very important.

“This day is important not only for me, but also for my mother. I would also like to mention my classmates, we are all very friendly, we treat each other with warmth and care, we always support each other. During my studies, I really fell in love with subjects such as English, biology and Russian. Other articles too. So it was not difficult for me to get a silver medal. And the fact that I received it is, of course, a great help for the future, an important impetus for my future life, ”Margarita noted.

As a souvenir, graduates were presented with a watch, symbolizing the beginning of a “new page” in their lives, and the presented certificates and a slow waltz became the final chord of a vast and important chapter in every person’s life – school. !

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