After the success of Sunday July 7 with a participation of 220,794 people, the initiative also returns on August 4. #domenicaalmuseo promoted by the Ministry of Culture, which offers the FREE ENTRANCE to museums and national archaeological parks every first Sunday of the month.
During the day, visits will be possible during the usual opening hours, with access by reservation if necessary.
This is a unique opportunity to explore the cultural and historical wealth of Italian art sites at no extra cost and, from North to South, countless museums and archaeological sites are participating, from the most famous to those perhaps less known but equally worthy.
The official Mibact website reports the full list which is constantly updated but here are some suggestions.
Participating museums in Northern Italy
In Liguria, for example, the national museums of Genoa – Museum of the Royal Palace of Genoa and the Spinola Palace, the Prehistoric Museum of the “Balzi Rossi” and the archaeological area of Ventimiglia (Imperia), and the Roman Villa of Varignano has Portovenere (La Spezia) while in Piedmont the Royal Museums, the Villa della Regina and the Palazzo Carignano do not fail to join them Turinin addition to the abbey of Vezzolano ad Albugnano (Asti), and the archaeological area of the Roman city of Industria a Monteau da Po (Turin).
As for Lombardy, among the wide choice, you cannot miss a visit to the Pinacoteca di Brera and the Cenacolo Vinciano in Milan, at the Expiatory Art Gallery a Monzaat the Roman Villa and Antiquarium of Palazzo Pignano Cremona and to the Roman villa and the Antiquarium a Desenzano del Garda. In Veneto, on the other hand, we find, among others, the National Archaeological Museum of Veronathe Galleries of the Academy, the Marciana National Library, the Giorgio Franchetti Gallery of the Ca’ d’Oro, the Museum of Oriental Art and the Museum of the Grimani Palace of Veniceand the National Museum Atestino d’Este (Padua).
In Emilia-Romagna, free entry to Torrechiara Castle and Langhirano (Parma), ai National Museums – Art Gallery of Bolognaat the Fortress of Saint Leo (Rimini), at the Estensi Galleries in Modena and the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare in Classe, the Mausoleum of Theodoric, the National Museum and the Arian Baptistery of Ravennain Friuli-Venezia Giulia at the Ex Pasqualis Fund and at the National Archaeological Museum of Aquileia as well as the early Christian basilica of Via Madonna del Mare and the Miramare Castle Museum and Historical Park in Trieste.
Participating museums in central Italy
In Tuscany they also participate on Sunday August 4th Uffizi Galleriesn the Bargello Museum, the National Archaeological Museum, the Garden of Villa Il Ventaglio, the Garden of Villa a Castello and Villa della Petraia a Florencethen the archaeological zone of Roselle Grossetothe National Museum of San Matteo and the National Museum of the Royal Palace Pisaand the National Etruscan Museum, the Necropolis of Poggio Renzo and the Tomba del Colle a Farm (His).
In the Marche region, to give some examples, here is the National Archaeological Museum of Ascoli Picenothe state fortress of GradaraThe State Antiquarium of NumanaIn Abruzzo, the Museum of the Birthplace of Gabriele d’Annunzio has Pescarathe church of San Pietro ad Oratorium has Capestrano (L’Aquila), the National Archaeological Museum of Campli (Teramo), and in Molise the Italic sanctuary of Pietrabbondante (Isernia), the Castle of Capua has Gambatesa (Campobasso) and the National Archaeological Museum and the Pistilli Palace of Campobasso.
Moving to Lazio, among the wide choice, you can enter the Abbey of Montecassino for free Casino (Frosinone), at the Monastery of Santa Scholastica a Subiaco (Rome), the Colosseum Archaeological Park and the Baths of Caracalla a Romeat Villa Adriana and Villa d’Este Tivoli (Rome), and at the Fossanova Abbey a Priverno (Latin).
Participating museums in southern Italy
Finally, for the openings in southern Italy, in Campania a Naples confirmed the National Archaeological Museum, the Certosa Museo di San Martino, the Royal Palace, the Crypta Neapolitana, the Castel Sant’Elmo and the Museo del Novecento, as well as the monumental ensemble and the library of the Girolamini, as well as the famous parks archaeological Pompeii, Herculaneum Hey Phlegraean Fields; Also see the Roman theater of Benevento and the Campania Amphitheatre of Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Caserta).
In Puglia, the Swabian castle of Tranithe National Archaeological Museum of Canosa of PugliaAnnouncement Castel del Monte Andriathe archaeological park of Siponto has Manfredonia; in Calabria The Castella di Capo Rizzuto IslandThe museum and archaeological park of ancient Kaulon has Monastery Race (Reggio Calabria), the National Museum of Miletus and the National Archaeological Museum “Vito Capialbi” of Vibo Valentia.
We conclude the tour with the Basilica where free entry is to the archaeological park of the urban area and to the necropolis of Crucinia di Metaponto and to the Temple of the Palatine Tables of Bernalda (Matera), at the National Archaeological Museum of Basilicata “Dinu Adamesteanu” of Powerat the National Museums of Materaand with Sardinia where you can admire the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliarithe National Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum “Giovanni Antonio Sanna” and the National Art Gallery of Sassariand Garibaldi’s Compendium Caprera (Sassari).