A crowded church today in Rome for the funeral of Franco Di Mare, who died Friday at the age of 68 from mesothelioma. In the Church of the Artists, the Basilica of Santa Maria in Montesanto, many well-known faces have chosen to participate in the function, both from Rai and from politics. Among others Bruno Vespa, Maurizio Gasparri, Alberto Matano, Nunzia De Girolamo, the leaders of Rai Roberto Sergio and Giampaolo Rossi, the president of Rai Marinella Soldi, the actor Beppe Fiorello.
“He loved cooking and being together at the table”
“We will remember him as a great friend, who loved to cook, he loved to cook, he knew how to do it like a real chef, we will remember his love for the table, which was being with people. A man capable of going against the grain, with a strong ironic personality with whom he joked even in the most serious moments of his illness. He always had a joke, minimizing, trying to bring lightness so as not to aggravate or burden his goodness of soul,” said Don Walter Insero, rector of the Basilica of Santa Maria of Montesanto, during the homily.
A man “always elegant, to the end”,a generous man who expressed a feeling of protective affection towards others. Even if he had known someone for a short time, if he understood that there was a need, he was a deeply generous man.” Di Mare “never despaired, he faced the battle” of his illness “with dignity and strength, he gave courage not to weigh it down, even with a weak voice,” adds the priest.
Woman and daughter: “Thank you for your love”
The words spoken in church by the journalist’s wife were moving. “I never thought this moment could be so heartbreaking,” he said. Julia Berdini. “You taught me to look at everyday life from the side of good. Franco always saw the good. You pampered me, protected me, helped me understand my mistakes. You were a companion like we read in the books and you loved me so much. I hope I made you happy, if sometimes that didn’t happen, forgive me.” Now “I will have to walk without you by my side, without your smile to encourage me. I don’t know if I’ll make it. Even though you are in me and always will be,” he added.
Even the girl Stella in a weak voice he called his father back: “I know that today he would be surprised by this cry – he said – Thank you for your unconditional trust, you never made me doubt my possibilities. I knew I wanted to go further and thank you.”
At the end of Franco Di Mare’s funeral, as tradition dictates, the artists’ prayer was read in the church in Piazza del Popolo. This was declaimed by my journalist and presenter friend Federico Ruffo. Then, the memory of the historical author of Rai, Paola Miletich, to the applause of the crowd.
Vespa: “It was hard not to like it”
“We talked constantly, with private messages. His farewell message was truly beautiful,” said Bruno Vespa in front of the Church of the Artists. “Franco was so generous that it was difficult not to love him. I also believe that I was his director”, he said smiling. As for the last interview Di Mare told Fabio Fazio in which the journalist revealed his illness by questioning Rai, “it was a very touching interview , in which we saw all of Franco’s humanity even in a difficult moment, and I am particularly happy that after this interview, Rai, who had fallen asleep, woke up for him. The RAI leaders present today? A must-have,” concludes Vespa.
Giorgino: “An honest person committed to authentic journalism”
As “a respectable person, very attached to journalism in the most authentic sense of the word”, his colleague Francesco Giorgino remembers him.