Faced with high interest rates, an MP proposes generalizing the “portability of a loan”

The idea is to maintain the borrowing conditions of a first loan for a new real estate purchase.

Using the money from the sale of your home not to pay off your current loan but to finance a new purchase, this is the principle of the portability of a loan.

The result is several tens of thousands of euros in potential savings, especially when rates are increasing quickly and strongly.

This is demonstrated by the example of the broker Vousfinancer. A household wishing to sell their home for 300,000 euros and who has 200,000 euros left to repay on a loan at an unbeatable rate of 1%.

Putting housing back on the market

With portability, this household can keep this loan. Use the 300,000 euros from the sale to buy a new home for 400,000 euros. He therefore only has 100,000 euros left to borrow under today’s conditions.

In the end, these two loans combined cost him less than 45,000 euros in interest compared to nearly 130,000 in the scheme in force today which would require reborrowing everything under current conditions.

The gain linked to portability could therefore convince many owners to hand over housing on the market which they keep today so as not to lose their borrowing conditions.

Submitted by a member of the majority, this bill will be debated at the start of the school year in September.

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