Iconic food of fall the grape is harvested in France from mid-August to mid-October (mainly in the South-East of France. It is easy to indulge in its small, colorful grains at any time of the day. If this fruit is known for its diuretic properties, it is also very sweet. So, what is its effect on weight? How to benefit from the many health benefits of grapes without the risk of gaining weight?
White/green or black/red grapes: how many calories are there in fresh grapes?
There is a wide variety of different grapes, more or less sweet, sweet or acidic, with tcaloric factors quite variable. However, we can distinguish on the one hand the white grapes (also known as green grapes) slightly more tart and on the other hand black grapes (also called red grapes), substantially sweeter.
White grapes thus provide 16.9 g of sugar and 79 calories per 100 g (1), and black grapes 20 g of carbohydrates and 90 calories for the same weight (2). Whether white or black, the grape is therefore sweeter than the average fruit which provides 55 calories and 11 g of carbohydrates per 100 g.
Are grapes good for the diet?
As sweet as it is, grapes are a food that it would be a shame to deprive yourself of, even when dieting. First of all, it belongs to the category of fresh fruits and vegetables, which are full of nutritional qualities and must be highlighted in a balanced diet. And the grapes are not left out, since it is particularly well provided with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which make it a very valuable food for health. Its high water and fiber content as well as its glycemic index low (43) make it a satiating fruit and therefore interesting as part of a diet, as long as it is consumed in reasonable quantities and adapted to your own caloric needs.
The PNNS (National Nutrition and Health Plan) recommends consuming 5 portions of fresh fruit and vegetables per day, which can be divided into 3 portions of vegetables and 2 portions of fruit. The ideal is to vary your diet and therefore your foods as much as possible, grapes can be integrated into a slimming dietin a portion from time to time, alternated with other less sweet fruits (watermelon, melon, peaches, apricots, strawberries, etc.).
Are grapes diuretic?
Very rich in water and minerals, particularly potassium, grapes are one of the Foods known for their diuretic properties. It is for this reason that this fruit is often considered as a fruitdetoxeffective in promoting renal elimination and draining the body. His diuretic properties, associated with its great richness in fibers and minerals, make it a very popular fruit in detox cure at the change of season.
Why is the grape detox treatment not recommended for losing weight?
THE grape cure which is practiced in the fall, is what we call a monodiet : we only eat this fruit for a few days. It would allow on the one hand to eliminate the toxins accumulated in our emunctory organs (liver, kidney, intestines, skin and lungs) and on the other hand to put our digestive organs at rest, to allow them to clean and regenerate. There grape monodiet was widely popularized in 1927 in the United States by Johanna Brandt, a nurse who reportedly overcame her cancer thanks to this cure.
In the scientific world, the grape monodiet is, however, very controversial, since the ability of grapes to reinforce the natural process of eliminating toxic waste is not based on any serious scientific data.
Grapes are also among the most treated fruits, since 87% of non-organic grapes are contaminated by pesticides in France according to a study by the DGCCRF.
Finally, on the nutritional level, any monodiet is likely to cause on the one hand nutritional deficiencies (absence of proteins, lipids and complex carbohydrates), and on the other hand generate significant frustrationwhich are totally counterproductive in the context of a weight loss.
Digestion: do grapes make your stomach bloat?
The grape is a fruit rich in water and dietary fiber, which makes it a very effective food for boost intestinal transit. If this property is an asset for people at lazy transit This can be an inconvenience for anyone who has fragile intestines and suffers from frequent bloating. This fruit actually has a fairly thick skin and numerous seeds rich in cellulosewhich can be irritating to the digestive tract, and cause gas, spasms and a feeling of a bloated stomach.
Can you eat grapes in the evening?
There is no no contraindication to consuming grapes in the evening in reasonable quantitiesnamely a small bunch of 100 to 150 g. Certainly, dinner should ideally be a lighter meal, since it precedes the night during which our energy expenditure is lower. But the foods to avoid in the evening are more rich dishes, sauces, fried foods, or ultra-processed foods very rich in added sugars and saturated fats.
What about raisins?
As their name suggests, raisins are grapes that have been dried, that is, most of the water has been removed. They provide on average 70 g of sugars and 300 calories per 100 gwhich makes them very sweet foods. However, they retain a very interesting nutritional value, with an exceptional concentration of minerals and antioxidants.
Raisins, like all dried fruits, should be limited as part of a slimming diet, but they can make an interesting snack, in small quantities, with a low-fat dairy product and oat flakes for example, or even with a few oilseeds, almonds or hazelnuts.