Triathlon and diet: how many calories do you need per day?

Lack of energy, decreased performance, poor recovery, increased risk of injury: it is not enough to train to succeed in an endurance event such as the triathlon, you also have to adapt your diet. Sports nutrition and energy intake are the cornerstone of the athlete’s performance.

Triathlon: what are we talking about?

The triathlon is a sporting discipline made up of three linked endurance events – swimming cycling and running – over various distances. For example:

  • for an XS triathlon: 400 m swimming, 10 km cycling and 2.5 km running;
  • for an XXL triathlon (Ironman): 3.8 km swimming, 180 km cycling and 42.195 km running, the distance of a marathon.

What to eat before a triathlon? How to adapt your diet to the preparation?

A balanced and varied diet is essential in the practice of triathlon and you marathon. “ For all endurance disciplines, it is the Mediterranean diet who is advised immediately explains Dr. Fabrice Kuhn, sports doctor.We will adapt the quantity of carbohydrates according to their metabolism, the physical activity of the day – for example, in the case of intense and prolonged sporting activity, the athlete will need a greater carbohydrate intake – and the external conditions. »

What is the ideal weight for a triathlon?

The power/weight ratio is a key element of performance for runners, cyclists and triathletes alike. “ We often tend to believe that the lower the weight/power ratio, the more efficient we are. However, you should not try to lose too much weight otherwise you will suffer from RED-S (Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports), that is to say an energy deficit, and increase the risk of injury, particularly stress fracture. »

In addition to its repercussions on the body (disruption of muscle and bone development, risk of stress fracture, etc.), RED-S can also impact athletic performance and cause fatigue that is more intense and longer than usual.accompanied by a decline in recovery abilities.

Triathlon preparation: what are the daily calorie requirements?

Caloric intake must be adjusted to the activity level: an excess of calories can lead to fat gain while an insufficient intake promotes muscle catabolism, that is to say the breakdown of muscle tissue.

For triathletes, it is necessary to count on no less than 45 kcal/day per kilogram of body weight to avoid RED-S. Dr Fabrice Kuhn, sports doctor

Increase your carbohydrate intake

An endurance athlete should consume between 5 and 10 g of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight per day depending on the sporting activity, the intensity of the training and individual criteria. For example, a 70 kilo athlete who trains for two hours a day will need 6 to 10 g or 420 to 700 g of carbohydrates per day depending on the intensity of the effort and his metabolism. As a reminder: 100 g of carbohydrates equivalent to 500g of steamed potatoes, 200g of bread, 400g of cooked pasta or 400g of cooked rice.

Don’t neglect protein

While it is important to increase your carbohydrate intake, it is also necessary to consume more protein.

The protein requirements of endurance athletes are 1.2 to 1.7g/kg/day. Protein helps build muscle and facilitate muscle recovery and repair. Dr Fabrice Kuhn

Instead, focus on the lean meats (chicken, turkey, filet mignon, cooked ham, lamb chops, rabbit legs), fish, eggs and legumes, a source of vegetable protein. Since plant proteins are deficient in certain essential amino acids – legumes have no methionine and cereals have no lysine – it is important to combine themadds Dr Fabrice Kuhn. Moreover, different culinary cultures have been able to adapt by making particularly intelligent mixtures: rice and lentils in India, corn and red beans in Mexico, semolina and chickpeas in Africa… »

What about lipids?

Although athletes tend to hunt for fat, they are essential for the body and sporting performance, particularly in endurance events. “ During exercise, muscles consume both carbohydrates and lipids (in the form of fatty acids)recalls Dr. Fabrice Kuhn. Lipids have excellent energy efficiency and provide the majority of energy during long and moderate efforts while carbohydrates provide the bulk of energy during intense and shorter efforts. »

The recommendations are 1.2 g to 1.5 g of lipids per kilogram of body weight. The specialist advises increasing omega-3 intake and reducing omega-6, saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids by consuming hazelnuts, walnuts, vegetables and oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines). Also favor olive, rapeseed or flax oil…

What is the energy expenditure of an Ironman?

The energy expenditure is around 10,000 Kcal for an Ironman. “ It is necessary to ingest between 60 and 90 g of carbohydrates per hour of effort to limit the use of endogenous carbohydrates (glycogen stored in the liver and muscles) and fatigue.explains Dr. Fabrice Kuhn. And, of course, drink to your thirst! »

Endurance nutrition: how to eat during a triathlon? What breakfast should you eat before the event?

Are you preparing for a long distance triathlon (Half and Ironman)? Three days before the competition, Fabrice Kuhn recommends stocking up on carbohydrates – favoring those with a low glycemic index: whole grains, starchy foods – and reducing the consumption of fiber which could disrupt the digestive system.

On the day of the test, eat a quality breakfast without too much fiber or fat. For example :

  • a drink to rehydrate (green tea, coffee, herbal tea, water or fruit juice),
  • a portion of starchy foods: cereals (oatmeal), wholemeal bread or rice or pasta;
  • a source of protein (egg, ham, cottage cheese, etc.)
  • possibly a dairy product;
  • one or more fruits;
  • a fatty substance: butter or oilseeds such as almonds or hazelnuts.

“ In practice, breakfast or last meal must be taken three hours before departurespecifies Dr Fabrice Kuhn. Ten minutes before the swimming event, a gel will provide energy. During the cycling event, consume between 60 and 90 g of carbohydrates per hour of effort in the form of gels (easy to swallow), bars or fruit pastes on your bike. Also remember to drink a sports drink at your thirst.” And to conclude: ” Again, plan on 60 to 90 g of carbohydrates per hour of effort in the form of gels or other (dried fruits) during the race and a good recovery ration on arrival… »

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