This food category would make you more satisfied under the covers

Beyond keeping you in good health, benefiting from a balanced diet could have a role in your sexual satisfaction. After reading this article, you will no longer view fruits and vegetables in the same way.

“Broccoli is sexy.” This slogan does not convince you? However, it is completely legitimate. Because according to a large Vegocracy study, carried out on 11,000 people by the Picadeli brand, eating 5 fruits and vegetables per day, as recommended by health recommendations, would certainly be good for our body, but also for our sexuality.

Fruits and vegetables make us happier every day

The first observation of this large study is information. This year, the study reveals that more than 8 in 10 people (or 84% of respondents) do not consume the 400 grams of fruits or vegetables recommended each day by the World Health Organization (WHO).

And this lack is a shame since 90% of people who eat fruits and vegetables every day say they are happy in their relationships, compared to only 78% of respondents who do not eat them daily.

NO to diets, YES to WW!

A more fulfilling sex life and better sleep as a result

It’s not the only superpower of fruits and vegetables in our food. According to the large panel of people studied across Europe, 85% of fruit and vegetable consumers said they were satisfied with their lives in general, compared to 65% of those who do not eat them every day.

And the gap widens even further regarding sexual satisfaction: 73% of people who consume fruits and vegetables daily say they are satisfied with their sex life, compared to only 48% of those who do not.

Finally, 72% believe they sleep enough (perhaps also because they have more fulfilled sexuality!), compared to only 51% of those who do not follow the WHO recommendations.

So to change your life, be more fulfilled, rested, satisfied… stop using eggplant in messages, put them instead on your plate, as part of a Mediterranean diet For example. It will probably be better in every way.

As a reminder, the WHO recommends consuming at least 400 g, or five servings, of fruits and vegetables per day to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases and help ensure sufficient daily intake of dietary fiber.

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