The energy, economic and ecological solution

Ever more efficient and durable, solar panels allow individuals to benefit from more economical and ecological electricity while adding value to their homes. These strong arguments have pushed many French people to equip themselves in recent years. If you also want to take the plunge, here are several good reasons to opt for a photovoltaic installation.

With climate change and the explosion of energy prices, solar panels are seeing their popularity skyrocket. It must be said that they are an excellent way for the French to save money on their electricity bills while preserving the planet.

The success of solar panels can also be explained by the existence since 2017 of a bonus for photovoltaic self-consumption. Paid by EDF Obligation d’achat, it allows individuals to considerably reduce their installation costs. This bonus thus constitutes a real incentive for individuals who hesitate to take the plunge due to lack of financial means. As a result, solar panels continue to flourish on the roofs of the French.

The advantages of photovoltaic panels

The democratization of photovoltaic panels has escaped no one, but their role remains mysterious to many. However, it is very simple. They were designed to transform light into electricity, and thus provide a free, renewable and inexhaustible source of energy for our homes.

Photovoltaic panels allow you to make significant savings on your energy bill, but that is not their only advantage. Let’s take a look at their various advantages:

  • Energy savings : by allowing you to benefit from a free and unlimited source of energy, namely the sun, the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof of your home results in savings of up to 70% on your electricity bill;
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions: Solar panels are a way to produce 100% renewable electricity, and thus contribute to protecting the environment by emitting less CO2;
  • Housing valuation: With buyers increasingly sensitive to ecology and concerned about their energy budget, the presence of a photovoltaic installation is a strong argument when you want to sell your home. Their presence justifies an increase in the price of your property on the market compared to a similar property without it.

How to reduce installation costs?

To encourage the development of renewable energies, the State has set up aid aimed at enabling individuals to finance their energy work.

In practice, when they equip their homes with photovoltaic panels, individuals can choose between selling all of their solar production or self-consumption with the resale of the electricity that they do not consume.

Installations choosing self-consumption are eligible for a self-consumption bonus, which is degressive and variable depending on the power of the installation. Photovoltaic installations connected to the network with a power of less than or equal to 3 kWc can also benefit from a reduced VAT rate of 10%.

Individuals who have chosen self-consumption with resale of surplus electricity also benefit from what is called the purchase obligation. This allows them to inject their unconsumed electricity into the network by reselling it to an EDF OA at a price set by law. These purchase rates are set by decree and change every quarter.

If you want equip your home with solar panels We strongly advise you to call on an expert in the sector like Hellio. This personalized support will allow you to avoid unpleasant surprises, such as the many scams that abound on the market. It is also the assurance of benefiting from all the aid for which you are eligible for your installation, French brand solar panels guaranteed for 30 years, RGE QualiPV qualified installers, as well as a labor guarantee.

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