Could do better, to say the least. In the ranking just published by the Airbnb concierge site Guestready, you have to be very patient to find Paris in the list of the 50 cities where the cleanliness of tourist rentals is the best rated. And for good reason, the capital comes in at the back of the pack with Valencia (Spain). To establish this ranking, the start-up focused on 50 popular destinations for vacationers and focused each time on the 100 accommodations with the highest number of comments.
In this game, Croatia won the gold and silver medals for Divide And Dubrovnik wheras’Athens wins bronze. The scores are very high: respectively 4.93; 4.92 and 4.89. A result all the more appreciable since it is measured each time on more than 30,000 opinions and rewards rather cheap cities. Split is thus the 11th least expensive city in this ranking, Dubrovnik being 10th and Athens 7th. In France, only Bordeaux comes out honorably with a score of 4.84 allowing it to take eighth place alongside Munich, Tallinn, Riga and Zurich. This question of the cleanliness Accommodation remains essential for travelers and it is no coincidence that this aspect is the first point that Airbnb asks its vacationers to evaluate in order to then determine an overall rating.
No city below 4.75
“No one wants to move into a dirty home, especially when traveling and exploring new parts of the world, highlights Alexander Limpert, CEO of Guestready. It is therefore very appreciable to note that these major European cities are achieving very good scores. Even the cities at the bottom of the rankings are achieving very commendable results, since none of the localities in our ranking fall below the 4.75 point mark.” It is true that Paris’s rating remains very decent, but the methodology probably leads to overestimating the scores. Generally, the establishments that attract the most comments are the most “professional” and take care of their services.