Kologriv residents failed to prosecute founder of apocalypse company

The Kostroma Regional Court considered the case of donations to the community to prepare for the end of the world, the Novosti44 correspondent reports. The defendant was the founder of the community, the owner of the goose farm. Alexander DostavalovThe applicants are two members of the association.

The plaintiffs, the spouses, reported that the founder of the association is a science fiction writer and “periodically publishes articles describing when the end of the world will come, when the Earth will turn over, the poles will change.” He believed that to prepare for this event, a community was needed where “everyone is busy with their own business.” First, the members of the association discussed the food supply and wanted to develop the founder’s goose breeding business after their survival.

The spouses who went to court voluntarily transferred 230,000 rubles to the entrepreneur to purchase a set of non-perishable products for 4 years. After that, they considered themselves members of the company, but then their relations with Dostavalov deteriorated. The plaintiff demanded the return of his money, but the entrepreneur refused to do so.

The court concluded that such an association does indeed exist. Today, it has about 65 members, and other followers have also contributed to it. In resolving the case, the judge proceeded from the fact that the plaintiff knew that he was not transferring the money by mistake and did not impose any conditions for restitution on the defendant. Therefore, from the point of view of the law, it is impossible to qualify a transfer as unjust enrichment. Thus, based on the results of the consideration of the case, the claim for recovery of funds was not satisfied. The judicial act entered into force.

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