3 Spices to Add to Your Morning Coffee for a Flat Stomach This Summer

It is not always easy to lose those extra pounds that we may have accumulated during the winter. Some people choose to follow a drastic diet – which is not recommended for sustainable weight loss – and others start exercising again. Losing weight healthily and sustainably is possible by adopting good habits and a readjustment of your diet. And on that note, did you know that certain spices could help your weightloss and allow you to show off a flat stomach? This is what several nutrition experts revealed to the women’s magazine She Finds.

Coffee: Adding spices to it can help you get a flat stomach

Maybe you are one of those big coffee lovers who can’t start their day without a cup of this energy-boosting beverage. That’s a good thing because Coffee has many benefits. Coffee is in fact, among other things, rich in antioxidants health benefits. By adding certain spices, you could see the benefits of your morning fuel boosted. The spices revealed by the experts interviewed by She Find provide multiple benefits ranging from burning calories to improving insulin response and reduction of inflammation.

How about a spicy coffee?

You’ve probably never thought about adding chili pepper to your coffee. And yet, Cayenne pepper is an ideal spice for weight loss for several reasons. “ Consuming cayenne pepper can help reduce appetite and curb food cravings, which leads to lower calorie intake. It can also increase the feeling of satiety which can help with weight management. Studies suggest that capsaicin may improve fat oxidation in the body, promoting fat burning. This effect may contribute to weight loss ” said nutritionist Mary Sabat.

Instead of sugar, add this sweet coffee spice

Liking your coffee very sweet, with milk, syrup, cream, will not promote weight loss. Why not replace these different ingredients with cinnamon? This spice helps stimulate metabolism and therefore the elimination of fats in the body.. In addition, cinnamon promotes “ reducing inflammation in the body, which has an almost direct impact on preventing or reducing obesity and overall body weight “, explained Dana Ellis Hunnes, nutrition specialist. “ By reducing inflammation, your metabolism is better able to burn calories at an efficient rate. »

Rich in antioxidants, this spice boosts weight loss

Another well-known spice rich in anti-inflammatory can also bring you many benefits if you add it to your coffee: turmeric. “ Spices containing curcumin have a thermogenic effect on the body and cause the body to generate more heat, thus burning more calories said Dr. Nancy Lin. What are you waiting for to sprinkle it in your coffee?

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