Denying any historical significance of “the entire Speransky distillery” for the region, the expert said that all buildings located in st. Khalturina, 16, were built according to standard pre-revolutionary designs and therefore cannot have architectural and urban value, with the exception of building 1, which is already included in the register of monuments, – commented on the document of the VK group “Nightingale Region Renovation”.
It is reported that if the results of this examination are approved by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage Protection, the buildings on the site, including the old fountain, will lose state protection and may be demolished by the owner.
The expert’s verdict is as follows: “Inclusion in the Unified State Register of cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation of the identified cultural heritage object “Speransky distillery ensemble “, located at the address: Kursk region, Kursk, Khalturina street, 16, NOT JUSTIFIED (negative conclusion”).
Fans of ancient Kursk wonder why such ensembles are preserved in Moscow and other cities of Russia as well, but in Kursk such buildings were called standard and are not considered historically valuable.
– This is a Kursk masterpiece almost on the level of the building of the Noble Assembly, it is completely unique in Kursk and even more important than Puzanov’s house! – noted in the public page “Renovation of the Nightingale Region”. – There is not only architectural value, but also quite historical value.
Residents of Kursk turned to the OKN Regional Ministry of Protection with a request to conduct another examination and involve another specialist in it.
– What else is it? – The residents of Kursk are outraged. – While Muscovites arrived in Kursk in large numbers, everything was sold at auction to please the construction sector – first one, then the other, concessions, under the guise of expert opinions.. . This is useless. Horrible shoddy work from an expert!
Residents of Kursk believe that with the demolition of the buildings of the entire Speransky distillery, the regional center will lose a very important layer of its history.
– So we are preparing for the 1000th anniversary? – Kursk connoisseurs of antiquity are surprised. – How many objects have already been excluded from the lists or demolished!
Recall that the Kursk distillery, previously located in this complex of buildings, ceased its activities more than five years ago. The reason, as the regional administration explained at the time, was precisely objects of historical value that could not be demolished or modernized, which hampered the development of the production facility.
– In this situation, the enterprise has no opportunity to build new buildings and expand production. Therefore, it was decided to close the enterprise, – said Yuri Belyaev, chairman of the regional committee for food and processing industries and food products, in 2018.
Since then, the owners of the buildings have changed and the problem of their historical value still seems to slow down the development of the territory. She intervened until the verdict of the expert Ustinova was delivered.